API Specification

Here is the categorized list of functions, divided into Trading API and Environment API, with brief descriptions for each:

Trading API

  • symbolInfo(symbol: string): Returns information about a specific symbol, including trading conditions and limits.

  • tms(symbol? = undefined): Returns the timestamp of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • open(symbol?: string): Returns the open price of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • high(symbol?: string): Returns the high price of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • low(symbol?: string): Returns the low price of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • close(symbol?: string): Returns the closing price of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • volume(symbol?: string): Returns the trading volume of the current candle for the given symbol.

  • ask(symbol?: string, index: number = 0): Returns the ask price (lowest sell order) for the given symbol.

  • bid(symbol?: string, index: number = 0): Returns the bid price (highest buy order) for the given symbol.

Orders and Trades

  • createOrder(symbol, type, side, amount, price, params): Creates an order with the specified parameters.

  • cancelOrder(id, symbol): Cancels an order by its ID.

  • modifyOrder(id, symbol, type, side, amount, price, params): Modifies an existing order with new parameters.

  • getOrders(symbol, since, limit, params): Retrieves a list of orders based on the provided criteria.

  • getOpenOrders(symbol, since, limit, params): Retrieves a list of open orders for a symbol.

  • getClosedOrders(symbol, since, limit, params): Retrieves a list of closed orders for a symbol.

  • getOrder(id, symbol): Retrieves details of a specific order by ID.

  • getPositions(symbols, options): Retrieves all open positions for the specified symbols.

  • getBalance(): Provides the balance details of the current account.

  • getFee(): Retrieves the total trading fees incurred by the script.

  • getProfit(): Retrieves the total profit from closed positions by the script.

  • getHistory(symbol, timeframe, startTime, limit): Retrieves historical candle data for a symbol.

Environment API

Script and Execution Environment

  • getArtifactsKey(): Retrieves a unique key for storing script artifacts.

  • registerCallback(funcName, callback): Registers a callback for specific trading functions.

  • isTester(): Checks if the script is running in a testing environment.

  • getErrorTrace(stack): Provides a detailed error traceback.

  • updateReport(data): Updates the report data for the script.

  • setCache(key, value): Stores a value in the script's cache.

  • getCache(key): Retrieves a value from the script's cache.

  • getPrefix(): Returns a prefix used in order identifiers.

  • setLeverage(leverage, symbol): Sets the leverage for futures trading on a specific symbol.

Last updated